Home Latest News Twitter to pay live audio creators

Twitter to pay live audio creators


It looks like Twitter are following the footsteps of Clubhouse with the latter creating a Creator First program to help aspiring artists back in March 2021 by connecting them with the world, building their audiences and monetizing them for their efforts. Twitter announced similar plans to support Twitter Spaces creators through a new three-month accelerator program called the Twitter Spaces Spark Program.

Twitter claims that their Twitter Spaces Spark Program will help to “discover and reward” about a hundred-and-fifty Spaces Creators with financial, technical, and marketing aid. For those to get in (creators will need to apply and get in) to Twitter’s Spark Program, they will be financially backed with a $2,500 per month stipend, monthly ad credits of $500 to promote their Spaces on the app, early access to Twitter features, support from the company’s official social media handles, and “opportunities for prioritized in-app discoverability for well-performing Spaces.”

Below are some of the requirements needed to apply for the Twitter Spaces Spark Program:

– You are 18 years of age or older.
– Your account has 5,000 or more active followers.
– You are located in the US (atleast for Phase 1 of the Twitter Spaces Spark Program).
– You commit to host a minimum of 2 Spaces per week that run a minimum of 30 minutes.

You can find an extensive list of applicability and requirements HERE.

So how is Twitter Spaces Spark Program different from Clubhouse’s Creator First? – Clubhouse prioritized helping live audio creators reach to brands for sponsorships while helping them boost their audience. For those who were part of their initial program, they were remunerated $5,000 per month which is about double of what Twitter is proposing.

You can apply on the Twitter Spaces Spark Program until October 22nd, 2021.

Creator First had mixed reactions with a question of what comes next always popping every now and then. Twitter, at least for now, are trying to avoid such questions but this always stays open-ended – something the audio creators will definitely give a think to before applying on another social-media supported program with similar promises.


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